
Dr. Torin Alter working with students in a computer lab

Within the philosophy major and minor, students can specialize in one of three areas.

For philosophy majors, the concentration will be noted on the transcript. A specialized/concentrated minor will not appear on the transcript; however, the department can provide documentation of completion upon request.


The jurisprudence concentration is a collection of philosophy courses of special interest to students intending careers in law or politics, or with a curiosity about the theories underpinning these institutions. It is designed to sharpen the abilities to reason, to respond to opposing arguments, and to put one’s point clearly and precisely. The concentration also provides the opportunity to explore some of the deepest questions about the law, its relation to morality, what justifies authority, and what is distinctive about legal reasoning.

Learn more about the jurisprudence concentration.


The mind-brain concentration is designed for students who are interested in philosophical questions about thought, consciousness, knowledge, and the relationship between the mind and the physical world. Students in psychology, communication, English, computer science and anthropology will find that this concentration makes philosophy an attractive minor or second major.

Learn more about the mind-brain concentration.

Philosophy and Medicine

The philosophy and medicine specialized major and minor are based on a collection of courses introducing topics, issues, questions and problems associated the practice of medicine, including concepts of health and disease, evolution and medicine, evidence-based medicine and medical reasoning, the status of mental diseases, public policy, and medical ethics. While these concentrations are designed for those who are planning for a career in the medical fields, they are open to any student with an interest in medicine.

Learn more about the philosophy and medicine concentration.